Filipce: SCPC Will Check my Assets, and then Mickoski Should Apologize to Me

SDSM leader Venko Filipce called upon the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption (SCPC) to immediately investigate the origin of all his properties and determine the actual situation, after VMRO-DPMNE accused him of manipulating with his asset declaration and attempting to hide flats he owns in Skopje.

“It is good that VMRO-DPMNE gave something like an initiative in an institution to definitively clear it up and when SCPC will analyse the case, and I appeal to this to happen as soon as possible and to come out with a position and say what the actual situation is situation, I will ask Prime Minister Mickoski to publicly apologize to me, just as he went public during yesterday’s interview to tell that lie,” Filipce said, adding that his asset declaration from 2016 is identical with the one from 2024, and that only a different methodology for registration of the assets was used.