Filipce: Truth about Oncology Clinic Issue Directly Related to Mizrahi

On Monday, ex-Health Minister and current SDSM leader Venko Filipce refuted accusations from Rashela Mizrahi about the Oncology Clinic.

As he said, regarding the issue of six-months reports and the health institution, the truth about the Clinic biological therapy issue is related directly to the VMRO-DPMNE MP, who had headed the Oncology Clinic Committee of Inquiry.

According to Filipce, it’s not true that there aren’t reports on work.

“Since then, Mizrahi has claimed responsibility falls to me in this case. Let me remind the public that the accusation was that as the then-Health Minister, I had been supposed to pay attention to what the Ministry’s obligations towards the Clinic had been and vice-versa, in relation to the six-month reports on the Clinic’s work and expert commissions.

All reports, filled out and certified properly and well, were submitted. Even during the most difficult COVID times, when there were movement restrictions, no oncology patient was left without therapy. All patients know that”, the ex-Minister of Health stated.

Also, he accused the VMRO-DPMNE parliamentarian of concealing the truth in such a case to score political points and even hiding evidence from investigative organs.