Fingerprint Devices Case: SEC Ready to Present Arguments before All Institutions

In a report, Kanal 5 has raised the question as to whether there was something contested in the upgrade of the software for the fingerprint devices before the double elections, which cost the State Election Commission (SEC) around 500,000 euros.

The 360 Stepeni (360 Degrees) show previously said that the deal had been reached at a tete-a-tete with Germany-based DERMALOG, from which the devices had been procured three years ago.

However, the SEC’s stand is that the procurement was urgent considering it was agreed in December for the elections to be held simultaneously, which is why the upgrade couldn’t have been provided for in the public procurement plan for 2024.

Regarding the State Commission for Prevention of Corruption’s (SCPC) announcement that it has opened a case, on the basis of an anonymous tip, over the system upgrade deal, the SEC’s position is it is ready to present arguments before all interested state institutions.