Geer, Kovacevski: Situations in M-NAV Must be Thoroughly Inspected

EU Ambassador David Geer said in relation to the latest events about the Macedonian Air Navigation (M-NAV) that the European regulations for management of institutions of this kind are very clear.

“Employments in institutions of this kind must be conducted based on professional qualification, and not on political party affiliation. There are obligations towards the EU when it comes to the air traffic security that the state must implement, which are guarantee for the independence of the body responsible for air navigation, and proper use of human resources which also guarantees air traffic security,” Geer stated, refusing to comment on the decision of the Criminal Court in relation to the attacks in M-NAV.

PM Dimitar Kovacevski levelled criticism at M-NAV, saying that the company has become “a lair of nepotism and employments based on family relations”, adding that the institutions of the state should deal with those issues more seriously.

“The president of the trade union there has been employed by his father, and later even his brother got employed there. State institutions must thoroughly examine the circumstances in which people are employed there,” Kovacevski said.