At the solemn session of the Government on the occasion of the 23rd anniversary of the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA), held on Tuesday, PM Hristijan Mickoski said interethnic relations were the pillar of society.
“They are not just legal obligations or political agreements,” he noted.
According to the PM, though no side was satisfied during the signing of the deal in 2001, “it must be admitted that exactly the Framework Agreement brought peace to this country”.
Mickoski also said that certain parties considered the OFA to be the best deal only when they were in power.
Previously, commenting on DUI’s separate marking of the anniversary of the, 1st Deputy PM Izet Mexhiti, who’s part of VLEN, had criticised the “party celebration”, adding that the OFA was a deal about how the state would function, not on how one political party would be constantly in power.