International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Growth in Athens Starts

The two-day International Conference on Peace and Sustainable Growth, taking place in Athens on the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the signing of the Prespa Agreement, started on Monday.

The event is a joint platform of the Zaev – One Society for All Foundation and Alexis Tsipras Institute. The two former PMs, Zoran Zaev and Alexis Tsipras, presented the mediator, Matthew Nimetz, with the Prespa Peace Award.

Nimetz said he should share it with all those that had supported him in order to remain committed to the process. In addition, he expressed particular gratitude for the two countries’ peoples for accepting and ratifying the document.

According to Zaev, the Prespa Agreement is living proof that even the most difficult disputes can be resolved when leaders prioritise the greater good.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, in a video message, too, praised the Agreement, saying it proved the power of diplomacy, dialogue, and compromises.