Skopje Higher Prosecutor’s Office Chief Mustafa Hajrullahi had shared a secretly recorded video that was on Thursday broadcast on Kanal 5 TV too.
One of the two women in the video is Sloboden Pecat journalist Miroslava Simonovska, who has fiercely criticised Hajrullahi, saying that she is disgusted by his actions, the publication of the video, and her being followed.
Hajrullahi claims that he received the video from a whistleblower and that it shows a handover of documents on the control of suspicions about his work as the Higher Public Prosecutor. He will submit the materials to the Interior Ministry too. On the other hand, the journalist dismissed as false Hajrullahi’s interpretations and views.
“This video shows part of a recording taken at the Plaza de Toros coffee shop at the Quay, where I was with a friend. I’m the person receiving the materials in the video. However, the materials, as opposed to what was said in the report, are not the report on the control over the Higher Office. I don’t have the report. I’m horrified by the fact that there’s been interception of my telephone communication, as well as that I’ve been physically followed and recorded.
I had the same feeling when I was reading the phone transcripts after the illegal interception of communication, which I believe many of you will understand. Somebody being referred to as a ‘whistleblower’ by a higher public prosecutor stalking journalists is Macedonia’s rock bottom. I hope it will be noted in the EU’s report next year on how much progress we will have made. Let me remind you that you’re following not only a Macedonian citizen, but also a U.S. one, knowing that that country will grant me much greater rights and freedoms, and will take this seriously,” Simonovska stressed.
The Association of Journalists and Independent Trade Union of Journalists and Media Workers, too, reacted on Friday over the “violation of the fundamental rights” of their member despite the faces of the two persons in the video being blurred.
“Every journalist has the right to free movement and communication of citizens without fearing they’re being illegally followed or they’re privacy is being violated,” it was also pointed out in the press-release.
The Association and Union believe the actions aim to intimidate and discredit Simonovska as a result of her critical work, especially regarding investigative activities when it comes to Hajrullahi. Simonovska has filed a criminal charge concerning unauthorised recording by an official person.