Accusations over the Law on Languages issue between VMRO-DPMNE and DUI continued on Monday too.
“For 20 years, DUI elected judges, was aware of how legal procedures worked, and how the Constitutional Court made its decisions. However, despite that, it’s chosen to create a political circus in order to divert the public’s attention from their stealing from the country for 20 years. For 20 years, DUI was stealing from both ethnic Albanians and ethnic Macedonians. However, when it decides to steal and is prevented from doing so, it always cites Albanians, as is the case now,” ruling party MP Brane Petrusevski said.
On the other hand, Ali Ahmeti’s party alleged there were activities against ethnic Albanians, including attempts to underestimate their voice.
“The dangerous closeness between this illegitimate government and Belgrade is obvious. It’s manifested through the appointment of a person such as Ivan Stoilkovic, who’s an instrument of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Serbian Deputy PM Vladimir Vulin, as Deputy PM and Intercommunity Relations Minister,” it pointed out in the press-release.