There are no dilemmas that international agreements should be respected, but that is a two-way street, PM-designate Hristijan Mickoski said on Wednesday regarding the stand of the US and France, who had urged on 8 June the new government in North Macedonia to stay focused on the EU path and abide by their international commitments.
“If you’re referring to the Prespa Agreement specifically, we, too, as the future government, respect in detail. Everything that is part of our legislation, in the Constitution, is respected in detail. In this regard, nobody should have any dilemmas. However, at the same time, we expect the second signatory, our southern neighbour, to respect it too,” Mickoski noted.
As he pointed out, a document has been created showing how much both countries have implemented regarding the Agreement.
“We plan to get everyone that is curious about how much both sides respect the bilateral international deal familiar,” Mickoski stressed.