Mickoski: Only We Respect Bilateral Agreements with Neighbours

PM Hristijan Mickoski, commenting on a recent decision by a Court in Florina, Greece, to shut down the Centre for Macedonian Language, said that this clearly shows that only North Macedonia respects the bilateral agreements with its neighbours.

“Our government and our country remain dedicated to the agenda for integration in the EU. However, I shall not allow the government to be involved in a naïve process of concessions without gaining clear guarantees for membership first.

And, as I saw in the past period, no one can guarantee us anything, which is why we cannot be as optimistic as we would want to be, and we will conduct parallelly the process for accession in the EU and the process for implementation of what we are supposed to implement at home. If it is a two-way street, we are here and we are ready to talk,” Mickoski said.