Mijalkov Case: VLEN Criticises Prison Head Qyra’s ‘Scandalous’ Report

VLEN held a press-conference on Tuesday, saying the release on parole of the ex-Security and Counterintelligence Administration head, Saso Mijalkov, most clearly showed DUI’s “capture” of the judiciary.

According to the coalition, the “scandalous report” by the Struga prison’s head, Valon Qyra, in which the DUI staff talked in superlatives about Mijalkov basically created the basis of the Court of Appeals’ decision to allow Mijalkov to leave prison seven months before the end of his sentence.

“This decision is a clear example of abuse of the judicial system and institutions”, VLEN noted, adding that, at the same time, it also proved the “Ali Ahmeti-Artan Grubi-Enver Bexheti-Mijalkov coalition”.

“The suspicions that DUI pressured the judiciary and institutions to favour Mijalkov being released on parole were confirmed by the US State Department too”, it noted, asking also how it was possible for the ex-head of the Administration to be released on the basis of such a “suspicious” report.

Describing Mijalkov as a person known for the harm caused by him to Albanians, VLEN called for a complete and independent investigation into the role of Qyra, judges, and all official persons involved in the case.

“Evidence talks. Mijalkov’s freedom was brought by Artan Grubi, with Ahmeti’s permission”, it was also noted.