Minister of European Affairs Orhan Murtezani proceeded with his official visit to Brussels on Thursday, and had a meeting with Director General of the European Commission’s Directorate for Enlargement and Neighbourhood (NEAR), Gert Jan Koopman.
Murtezani and Koopman discussed several topics, including the finalisation of the screening process and opening of the 1st cluster of the EU membership negotiations, the implementation of the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, and the European agenda of the country, i.e. the process of implementation of reforms.
The interlocutors also discussed the topic of constitutional changes and the expectations of the EU from North Macedonia about this.
In Brussels, Murtezani also had a meeting with President of the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI), Ilhan Kyuchyuk.
Murtezani thanked Kyuchyuk for the constant support for the policies for enlargement of the EU and the integration of North Macedonia.
The interlocutors also discussed the Jean Monet process for dialogue in the Parliament, accenting the importance of the bilateral dialogue and the improvement of open issues and promotion of good-neighbourliness.