Reactions to the murder of 14-year-old Vanja Gjorcevska have continued. “I, too, as all citizens of this country, am angry. The Constitution bans capital punishment. We also have adopted protocols and other conventions banning that,” Justice Minister Krenar Lloga said on Monday.
In his view, the death penalty, however, “would represent salvation for those monsters”, that is, those responsible should by the end of their lives have the murder on their conscience. “I trust institutions. I believe the monsters will be given the deserved punishment,” the Minister said.
The Bulgarian Interior Ministry said it didn’t have data that there was an international warrant on Palevski, following comments made at the press-conference by Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski and Prosecutor Gavril Bubevski, where it had been said Palevski was in Bulgaria.
North Macedonia’s Interior Ministry has issued an international warrant, as well as a detention measure for Palevski, in absentia.