Nikoloski and Mickoski Divided on Issue of whether Framework May be Changed

On Monday, in an interview with Sitel, VMRO-DPMNE Vice-President Aleksandar Nikoloski said regarding the Bulgaria dispute that the problem was with the protocols preceding the negotiating framework, not with the framework itself.

In his view, the requirement for constitutional changes is not at all related to the framework because, as he said, the framework is something that would be happening after the first inter-governmental conference is held.

On the other hand, according to PM and party leader Hristijan Mickoski, the framework may be changed, if there is a will.

“If they truly want to see Macedonia there, there is a possibility of that,” he said in an interview with 24.

In response to the PM’s comments, however, the Bulgarian Foreign Ministry said in a press-release on Tuesday that raising ideas about renegotiating already undertaken international commitments would only lead to new distancing from a start of EU talks.