Parliament Votes through Caretaker Cabinet

On Sunday, with 65 votes in favour and three against, Parliament voted through the caretaker cabinet led by Talat Xhaferi.

Though it had nominated the caretaker Interior and Labour and Social Policy Ministers, Pance Toskovski and Gjoko Velkovski, respectively, VMRO-DPMNE didn’t vote in favour, while the ethnic Albanian opposition didn’t attend the session at all.

The two-hour session was marked by criticism of caretaker PM Xhaferi and accusations about so-called DUI-sation of the country by the opposition, whereas the ruling majority highlighted the integration into NATO and, as its members stressed, the start of EU talks.

During the session, what was also being highlighted was the fact that the country was getting a PM from the ethnic Albanian community. Democratic Union MP Pavle Trajanov and Levica’s two parliamentarians, Dimitar Apasiev and Borislav Krmov, voted against.

At a separate session, Parliament also elected the Deputy Ministers and additional Deputy Ministers.