Petrovska: Formation of New Parties is Trait of Pluralism

Defence Minister Slavjanka Petrovska, commenting on the conference of New Alternative promoting Danela Arsovska as new party leader, said that the formation of new political parties is feature of pluralism.

“Any political party being established in the Republic of North Macedonia, the foundations of which are based on democratic values we all share, is to be welcomed,” Petrovska said, adding that SDSM is not afraid of eventually losing voters to Arsovska and New Alternative at the upcoming election.

Concerning the presence of SDSM Sec Gen Mile Zecevic at the New Alternative conference, Petrovska said that he had attended the event out of political courtesy.

“If the party received an invitation, any party representative ought to honour the establishment of a political party if its founding principles are, of course, democratic and shared,” Petrovska underlined.