On Monday, PM Hristijan Mickoski once again said there was a possibility of destabilisation in the period ahead.
“There are political structures and forces in the country that, to protect what has been stolen by them, will exploit and manipulate a certain of group of people in order for that group to cause an ethnic incident and in order for them to be able to protect their wealth and everything they would steal in their seven years in power, regardless of their ethnic affiliation.
Exactly that is the only way for them to magnetise a crowd for the announced destabilisation or organisation of protests they are planning to hold this autumn. As citizens, we mustn’t allow that. As the Government and as the PM, I appeal to citizens not to fall for these millionaires’ conspiracies,” he noted.
Though he didn’t reveal how the government would deal with such potential situations, the PM stressed that in autumn, institutions would be looking into what had been done during the previous government’s term.
The same day, SDSM leader Venko Filipce levelled criticism at the government, saying it was trying to hide its incompetence by politicising the work of trade unions who were demanding higher salaries.