“Democracy implies stable institutions. We’ll do everything to protect institutions,” PM Hristijan Mickoski said on Saturday, asked whether he still adhered to his stand that there were people working on destabilisation of the country.
As he assessed, those who, during the term of the previous government, went from rags to riches and all those who would rage on the streets throughout the country are interested in destabilising it because they were most skilful and strongest when there was instability.
“However, we, as the state and as the Government, will fight for a stable country and stable institutions,” the PM noted.
Mickoski also pointed to the increase of collection of funds by the PE for State Roads, but also by the Public Revenue Office (PRO) and Customs Administration in July, when compared to that month the previous year.
Mickoski stated that considering the PRO had had a collection increase of 40%, the Administration had had a collection increase of 20%, and the PE had had a collection increase, with regards to road tolls, one could imagine what type of “robbery” had been committed by the previous government.