Political Leaders React to Vanja Gjorcevska and Pance Zezovski Murders

Commenting on the murders of Vanja Gjorcevska and Pance Zezovski, PM Dimitar Kovacevski said on Monday that based on the explanations by Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski and Prosecutor Gavril Bubevski, “it’s about an isolated a case of criminals that should be punished most fiercely, according to the laws”.

Both the Ministry and the Prosecutor’s Office, he added, managed to most professionally identify perpetrators. VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski, on the other hand, said the Office had only offered encyclopaedic information, adding that there was no concrete evidence.

“Today is a difficult day for Macedonia and for all of us.,” he stated.

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi extended condolences over the Vanja Gjorcevska case.