Q&A Session of Parliament Sees Accusations Traded over Albanian Language, Constitutional Changes, Education, and Health Sector

During the Q&A session of Parliament on Thursday, European Front MP Arbana Pasholli asked Health Minister Arben Taravari whether VLEN would deliver on its promise regarding the 20% issue, that is, whether it would make Albanian official in the Constitution.

Taravari asked for time, saying that the government’s term had started in the summer.

“We’ve said we will insist and try to make Albanian an official, not 20%, language. However, our term has lasted for 7-8 months”, the VLEN co-leader noted. Pasholli also asked him a question about the issue of constitutional changes.

“You’ve missed all deadlines to which you yourselves committed to”, she said.

In response, Taravari said DUI had seven terms as a ruling party to do something.

“You promised as early as 2002 that you would start EU negotiations. However, we didn’t arrive anywhere”, he stated, adding that during a TV debate seven years ago, ex-DPM Artan Grubi had said North Macedonia would start membership talks on 1 June 2018. Regarding the issue of adoption of the changes, the VLEN co-leader stressed that he was offering a Government seat to DUI.

“If you have a formula on how the changes can be made, we will give you a seat at the ruling coalition, enter. If not, be silent, stay in opposition, think, and reform”, Taravari underlined.

The Minister was also asked a question by VMRO-DPMNE MP Toni Jarevski about the health sector situation and Oncology Clinic.

“We’re trying to put out the fires we’ve inherited and improve the situation through a strategy”, the pointed out.

Regarding the Clinic, the Minister also said all therapy would be available as of Monday. He levelled fierce criticism at SDSM with regards to the Clinic. As he explained, that party’s leader, ex-Health Minister Venko Filipce, doesn’t have the credibility to criticise because the biggest Oncology Clinic scandal broke during his term.

“I regret that the case still hasn’t been solved in court”, Taravari underlined.

The session also saw the opposition raise the draft-secondary education concept issue, while among the other topics at the session were also matters related to the announced boycott of stores by citizens on Friday (31 January) over what they say are extremely high prices, the minimum wage issue, and the inspection supervision draft-law.