Reactions in North Macedonia to Election of Government in Bulgaria

North Macedonia’s Government has welcomed the election of the new cabinet in Bulgaria.

“However, considering the experience, we are reserved, cautious, but also open to dialogue on principled grounds that will guarantee the protection of our identity and red lines”, it said on Thursday.

VMRO-DPMNE presented the same stand, while SDSM asked what the next steps regarding the EU path were.

“With the formation of a political government in Bulgaria, the Macedonian cabinet has gotten the opportunity it was asking for, that is, having an interlocutor with full political legitimacy on the other side. We now expect the cabinet to say what the plan on proceeding on the EU path is. If there’s a solution with improved positions of ours, we will support it”, it pointed out.

DUI welcomed the election of the new government in the eastern neighbour, too. However, it again called for early elections in North Macedonia in order for there to be “legitimate” leadership in Skopje too.