The deal on the ad hoc body reached by DUI and VMRO-DPMNE in exchange for the former’s votes in the process to adopt the legal changes reorganisation of existing ministries and introduction of new ones has raised the question as to whether a committee of Parliament is needed for oversight of equitable representations within institutions considering the existing Committee on Inter-Community Relations has the same competences, Kanal 5 reported on Monday.
A law adopted 2007 precisely to that end, says, inter alia, that the Committee, in addition to monitoring minority-related rights and laws, has the competence to monitor equitable representation at state administration organs and other public institutions at all levels. However, Ali Ahmeti’s party believes that the new body will play a bigger role.
MP Blerim Bexheti, who participated in the meeting with VMRO-DPMNE’s leadership, told Kanal 5 on Monday that another political deal or alibi before DUI membership was not in the background of the move.