Reactions to Pendarovski’s Non-signing of Games of Chance Law Decree

Commenting on his decision not to sign the decree for promulgation of the Law on Games of Chance, President Stevo Pendarovski’s position is that it can only be returned to Parliament in the regular procedure, not with the so-called EU flag.

On Wednesday, DUI criticised his decision, saying his explanation about the EU flag abuse was a “story for little kids”. In response, Pendarovski once again said he had received official communication from Brussels. The Anti-gambling Movement voiced its dissatisfaction.

“With your action, alleged abuse of the EU flag, you’ve legalised the laundering of dirty money and you protect, in the name of EU standards, the shady capital suffocating our country,” it said.

On the other hand, the President’s decision has been welcomed by the Association of Sports Betting Shops, saying it has been confirmed there were no legal grounds. The I WANT TO WORK Association of Employees in the Games of Chance Sector considers that it protects the Constitution and EU values, and that 10,000 families can breathe a sigh of relief.