Following the successful no-confidence motion against Ilire Dauti, the MP who chairs the Social Policy Committee, it remains unknown whether the DUI-led European Front will nominate another head of the body or she will continue to chair it.
According to Speaker Afrim Gashi’s Cabinet, a no-confidence motion doesn’t result in legally binding consequences for dismissal and there is no legal effect. As the Cabinet added, procedures to name and dismiss persons are regulated by other special procedures laid down in the Rules of Procedures of the legislative house, laws, and the Constitution.
However, ZNAM believes it is fully unclear what Gashi’s Cabinet’s press-release is based on.
“Dauti violated the Rules of Procedure. The punishment for that is a dismissal. If we determine accountability but that doesn’t cause punishment, the motion itself is rendered meaningless. ZNAM considers that with the adoption of the motion, Dauti’s been dismissed and can no longer head the working body of Parliament”, Maksim Dimitrievski’s party stressed, adding that it expected the opposition to nominate a new candidate as early as Monday.
On the other hand, DUI said the majority had committed a shameful and revengeful act. According to Ali Ahmeti’s party, Dauti faced consequences only because of her refusal over the “discriminatory” draft-law providing for compensation only for one side in the 2001 conflict.
“This decision represents nothing but a direct blow to the Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA) and an attempt to undermine it in all manners possible”, it added, stressing also that VLEN had perfectly played the part of an obedient “servant”, approving and being silent over the act.
DUI said it was calling on all ethnic Albanians to remain calm, stressing nonetheless that they shouldn’t accept “this injustice” by being silent.