SDSM: Mickoski’s Promise for Abolishment of Balancer Proven False

SDSM addressed criticism at the government of VMRO-DPMNE and PM Hristijan Mickoski, after Justice Minister Goran Mincev stated in a recent interview that the balancer tool for employments in the state administration will remain into force until a new solution for this matter is found.

“The Justice Minister, who comes from the allies of VMRO-DPMNE, ZNAM, admitted that the balancer will remain in function, even though two weeks ago he was speaking the opposite.

With this confession, another pre-electoral promise of Mickoski has been proven false. VMRO-DPMNE tarnished all their promises, while ZNAM remain mute executioners in their government, fulfilling the wishes of Mickoski,” they reacted from SDSM.