SEC Accepts Seven Complaints over Parliamentary Elections

At its 104th session, the State Election Commission considered the complaints, nine from VLEN, eight from VMRO-DPMNE, five from SDSM, and four from Levica, over the parliamentary elections.

Seven (six in Electoral District 5 and one in Electoral District 6) were accepted. On 22 May, the voting process will be repeated in Polling Stations 194 and 1202 in Krusevo, 1844 in Struga, 1272 in Ohrid, 1470 and 1470/1 in Dolneni, and 2101 in Zelino.

A lawsuit over the SEC’s decisions may be filed before the Administrative Court (in the 24-hour period after the decision is received).

The Court has to make a decision on the matter in the 48-hour period after it receives it. VLEN and DUI have continued to trade accusations over the matter.