SEC Competition Procedure being Accelerated

The procedure to complete the State Election Commission (SEC) composition is being sped up.

On Thursday, Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi asked five opposition parties from the ethnic Albanian bloc to submit to him a nominee from the list determined the previous day by the Committee on Election and Appointment issues.

The request was sent to Izet Mexhiti, Afrim Gashi, Bilall Kasami, Arjanit Hoxha, and Skender Rexhepi Zejd. He is waiting on them to answer by Monday at 4:30 pm.

Among the five persons is Abdush Demiri, who’s been nominated by Democratic Movement, Alternative, and BESA, which comprise European Alliance for Changes and which have asked why the letter has also been sent to the two newly-formed parties headed by Hoxha and Rexhepi Zejd.

The letter hasn’t been sent to Alliance for Albanians even though Arben Taravari’s party is trying to keep its SEC seat.