SEC to Consider 27 Objections over Parliamentary Elections on Monday

At a public session on Monday (13 May), the State Election Commission (SEC) will consider the 27 objections filed over the parliamentary elections.

VLEN has filed 10 objections concerning polling stations in Gostivar, Tetovo, Zelino, Bogovinje, and Vrapciste.

Objections have been filed also by other parties, including VMRO-DPMNE and Levica. When it comes to the presidential election, no objections have been filed.

According to DUI, however, the objections concerning several polling stations in Electoral Districts 5 and 6 constitute an electoral engineering attempt. Arber Ademi said the goal was to ensure that the DUI-led European Front lost two MP seats.

“The negotiations have been filed on the basis of an unprincipled deal between the other parties,” he stated, adding that the US, the EU, NATO, and the OSCE/ODIHR had been notified of “these dark scenarios”.