The 25th anniversary of the establishment of the South East Europe Brigade (SEEBRIG) was marked on Tuesday at the Boro Menkov army headquarters in Kumanovo.
Defence Minister Vlado Misajlovski addressed the event, extending gratitude to the current and all former commanders, as well as the entire staff of SEEBRIG, for their constant dedication and contributions towards the fulfilment of the brigade’s missions.
“By working for SEEBRIG and serving your respective countries, you only confirm the dedication of these countries towards this cooperation which brought the possibility for dialogue and creation of an environment for mutual solidarity and support between us all.
Having in mind the challenges we face today, like the new geopolitical situation in Europe and the constant cyber-attacks, we need to strengthen our defence capacities further through bilateral and regional cooperation, and to remain dedicated to fulfilling our strategic goal for accession in the EU,” Misajlovski said.
SEEBRIG Commander, Brigadier General Bilbil Bitri, said that SEEBRIG is symbol of unity and cooperation.
“This brigade unites professional soldiers from different countries, with different origins, cultures and histories, all united in their mutual goal: promotion of military cooperation, guaranteeing the security of our people and contributing to the peace and stability of the entire region. The new and fast changes demand from us to quickly adapt and upgrade our capacities, so we can respond current challenges,” Bitri said.