Spasovski: Kadieski Case Solved

Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski stated that the ministry responded quickly and adequately
to the case with the assault over President of the Bulgarian Culture Club “Shemeto” Bekir
Kadieski. “The assailant was arrested quickly after the case was reported to our Ohrid-
based department. We managed to take statement from the damaged party, the assailant and
couple of witnesses, and we notified a Public Prosecutor, and once all procedures are done,
adequate charges will be filed,” Spasovski said. From the Struga General Hospital they
stated that Kadieski was admitted with minor injuries and visibly stressed from the assault,
and was discharged from hospital care the same day. The case provoked reaction by
Bulgarian politicians, with some demanding for the EU to terminate the accession talks with
North Macedonia. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they called upon official Sofia to not
make rushed decisions about this case, and to not let this incident cast shadow over the
institutional efforts for respect and protection of the rights of ethnic communities in North