VMRO-DPMNE Denies Report about Taravari-Mickoski Meeting

Klan Macedonia TV reported on Wednesday that Alliance for Albanians leader Arben Taravari had negotiated that day with VMRO-DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski.

“Klan Macedonia sources said that during the evening hours, at VMRO-DPMNE’s HQ in the centre of Skopje, Taravari and Mickoski met. Klan Macedonia even has a photo of Taravari’s car in the HQ’s car,” the TV station said in an e-mail to all media, adding that there were no details about the meeting.

In response, VMRO-DPMNE said Deputy PM Artan Grubi was spreading fake news.

“Instead of issuing press-releases on behalf of a medium and abusing that medium as if it is a press-centre of DUI, next time, Grubi can issue a press-release from his personal e-mail address. Certainly, provided that it is true,” VMRO-DPMNE noted, adding that Grubi was in Austria where he was shopping at the luxury stores of Gucci, Versace, and Burberry.