VMRO-DPMNE leader Mickoski on US Designations Issue

In the interview with the 360 Degrees show, broadcast on Monday on MTV1, VMRO- DPMNE leader Hristijan Mickoski was asked about the US designation of ex-Deputy PM Koco Angjusev, “a person close to him”.

“No, no, he is not a person that is close to me. We are co-workers at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. We’ve known each other for 30 years. However, at the same time, I will remind you that I levelled fierce criticism when he was part of the Zoran Zaev government,” Mickoski noted.

He described the journalist’s comment that he and Zaev had become political friends in the meantime as political speculation.

Regarding the interviewer’s comments that Angjusev was a mediator in those contacts, Mickoski said: “I cannot say that I am an enemy with Dimitar Kovacevski. I don’t have enemies in life, yes, I have political opponents, that is legitimate.”

Regarding the designation, he stated what US Ambassador Angela Aggeler had said regarding the US having relevant evidence, calling on institutions to file a request, and the US being ready to present that was a good way to prove what policy was by the State Department.