VMRO-DPMNE Reiterates Stand on SDSM and Grubi, Criticises also MP Dauti

VMRO-DPMNE has continued to urge SDSM to apologise to citizens for “having allowed ex-Deputy PM Artan Grubi to commit crime” in the frames of the previous cabinet.

“For years, SDS[M] would persist in power precisely because it allowed Grubi to steal. SDS[M] consciously allowed Grubi to do whatever he pleased only to avoid falling from power. Its attempts to now distance itself from DUI are pale and dishonest”, MP Mile Lefkov stated.

Regarding the successful no-confidence motion against Social Policy Committee Chair Ilire Dauti, Lefkov said the European Front MP didn’t have the moral credibility to head the body.

“Nobody is challenging the right of the opposition coalition led by DUI to nominate a new Chair. We’re sure that the SDS[M]-DUI-Levica coalition will support the new nominee”, Lefkov noted, adding that those three parties often coordinated opposition activities within Parliament.

The same day, Parliament Speaker Afrim Gashi reiterated his stand that a successful no-confidence motion results in neither legally binding consequences for dismissal nor legal effect. As he pointed out, dismissals and resignations don’t fall under his competence, while his role ended when the session finished.