‘We will Do Everything to Bring Justice’, PM Says after Meeting with Dameva

After his meeting with Judicial Council President Vesna Dameva, which was attended also by Justice Minister Igor Filkov, PM Hristijan Mickoski said the Government adhered to the stand on a need for sweeping reforms in the judiciary and disbanding both Dameva’s Council and the Council of Public Prosecutors.

As he added, however, it is open to ideas that would be implemented if they are better than what’s contained in the Government’s programme.

“We will do everything to bring justice. There mustn’t be first-class citizens. There mustn’t be second-class citizens. There mustn’t be ones in the first line that are protected. There mustn’t be an elite. Instead, everyone has to be equal before the laws and Constitution,” he stressed.

Mickoski once again underlined the importance of the rule of law, especially regarding the country’s security.

“If there is no rule of law, if there is no legal state, if there is a high level of crime and corruption, that is a security problem. We, as the Government, according to the Constitution and law, have a fundamental task of protecting the country and citizens if a security problem emerges,” the PM emphasised.

According to him, though the Government doesn’t expect quick results, it does expect progress.

“Sure enough, we adhere to the stand on disbanding those institutions that we have talked about all this time. We don’t expect quick results. However, we do expect progress, with which we will prevent this security problem happening to us because there is no rule of law and there is a high degree of corruption,” the PM also said.