Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act Passed in US

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee has passed the Western Balkans Democracy and Prosperity Act.

Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Roger Wicker, authors of the 2022 document, welcomed the passage of the draft-law. Senators Chris Van Hollen, Dick Durbin, Thom Tillis, and Ben Cardin are co-sponsors.

“Today, the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee sent a message of renewed commitment to Western Balkan nations by advancing my bipartisan legislation.

I wrote this draft-law to focus on the opportunity to deepen our commitment and investment in the region by strengthening trade and economic cooperation and sharpening US tools to address malign influence, corruption and other efforts which attempt to undermine the democratic aspirations of the region.

Most importantly, if signed into law, it would codify executive orders to address corrupt and anti-Dayton behaviour in the Western Balkans, making clear that the United States will not tolerate efforts to undermine peace and stability in the region,” Senator Shaheen said.