Interior Ministry taking Measures in Relation to Sunday’s Incident in Tetovo

The Interior Ministry is taking all measures regarding Sunday’s incident involving supporters in Tetovo, according to Interior Minister Oliver Spasovski. “Regarding supporters that were chanting nationalist messages in Tetovo, measures are being taken within the frameworks of the Tetovo Internal Sectors concerning either group. Today, we’ve issued a special task in the area of prevention so that we work with both groups. We mustn’t allow their conflicts that are full of such hate speech to be an everyday occurrence in the Republic of Macedonia,” he stated.  On Sunday, videos had been shared on social media including shouts and songs from the Ballisti, where hate speech and calls for violence had been noted, followed by throwing stones and bottles at a coffee place full of guests. The previous day, the Vojvodi group, during the celebration of its 30th birthday, had used offensive words, too, during their movement on the streets.