Dimitrov: Certain parts of French Non-paper acceptable for North Macedonia

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Dimitrov says that the French non-paper containing a draft-model for new methodology for integration of new countries in EU contains certain recommendations and directives that are acceptable for the government of Macedonia. “A good thing is the fact that the main goal of the non-paper is to provide full-fledged membership of North Macedonia in the EU. The non-paper contains certain directives acceptable for our government, but it also contains some that are hardly implementable,” Dimitrov said. West Balkans political expert Florian Bieber also believes the non-paper is positive for Macedonia, but it is not realistic to be fully elaborated by the end of January 2020. “We need the opinion from all member-states of EU before the non-paper is fully elaborated and then implemented. It may take another month or two for the non-paper to be fully analysed, so we cannot expect a decision before the end of January 2020,” Bieber said.