Kovacevski: Preparations for Cleaning Lindane in OHIS in Final Phase

“The terrain has been cleared, the necessary equipment and mechanization has been provided and installed around the small landfill and a protective cover has been installed. The main goal of these preparations is maximum safety in the removal of hazardous chemicals stored for decades in a small landfill in the former industrial complex OHIS,” said Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski during the visit to the former chemical factory OHIS. The Minister thanked the EU, the Kingdom of Norway, UNIDO and UNOPS, as well as the Government that participated with its own funds for, as he said, ‘with this cooperation we managed to start the road to complete elimination of historical waste’. The head of the EU Delegation to the country, David Geer, expressed satisfaction that they had the opportunity to contribute 2.5 million euros to this project. “So, this is just one example of the many projects supported by the EU that are related to protecting the environment from degradation. Here we deal with hazardous waste that causes soil pollution. We also provide support in other parts of the country, primarily in terms of solid waste management systems, wastewater treatment plants and to address air pollution problems. And of course, we support all efforts to find new ways to use renewable energy,” Geer said.