Spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Mavrovski Questioned by Police

Bitola actor and spokesperson of VMRO-DPMNE Bitola, Vasko Mavrovski was called to the police station because of Facebook status for the Minister of Culture Bisera Kostadinovska Stojcevska. In the status where, among other things, he criticizes the austerity measures, Mavrovski adds that he expects the head of REC Bitola, Kovacevski to give all “savers” an extension cable per meter and a half in the near future. The minister saw a threat in this, so after the report to the Ministry of the Interior, during a rehearsal he was called by two policemen for a conversation at the station, after about 40 minutes, he was released with a verbal warning. The Ministry of Culture, on the other hand, says that everyone has the right to request institutional protection in accordance with legal norms and opportunities. In the actor’s status, however, they see a reference to violence. “In that direction, Minister Kostadinovska-Stojcevska was recently exposed to statements and contents that go beyond the norms of freedom of expression, including the case you are asking about, which calls for violence,” says the ministry. The leader of the opposition VMRO-DPMNE, Hristijan Mickoski, also announced his opinion on the case from Bitola, who pointed out that if people are imprisoned for an opinion expressed, the government is returning the country to, as he estimated, 1949.