Mickoski accuses PM Zaev for New Wire-tapping Scandal

The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickoski said in a Facebook status that the only one responsible for the new scandal with wire-tapping of communications of judicial authorities is the PM Zoran Zaev. “The revelation of this scandal means that someone in the government has full control over the judiciary in Macedonia. Zaev rushed to accuse someone else about this, which means that he is trying to hide his responsibility in this case. The wire-tapping started in September 2016, the same time when Oliver Spasovski from SDSM became Interior Minister (fist technical, then official). Is this why Zaev was able to correctly predict all judicial decisions and punishments for his political opponents? Zaev and the entire government led by SDSM must immediately resign their positions after this major revelation,” Mickoski writes.