On Thursday, MP Frosina Remenski, who doesn’t feel guilty in relation to the Racketeering case, was issued measures of precaution. Her passport was taken away. Also, she isn’t allowed to leave Skopje and has an obligation to report to a court once a week. The same measures were issued for Bojan Jovanovski’s father, Mile Jovanovski. International Alliance Vice President Jasna Mandic was given a house arrest measure. PM Zoran Zaev said the same day he expected Remenski’s innocence to be proven in order for her to be able to return to SDSM’s organs and bodies. Prosecutor Vilma Ruskovska stated after Mandic’s statement at the Criminal Court that she had “important evidence” regarding the charge in the Racketeering case. As she also added, one of the suspects has asked to settle over the first part of the investigation into the case.