VLEN’s Kasami: Procedure to Form New Government Going Well

The entire procedure to form the new government is going well, VLEN’s Bilall Kasami said on Monday.

He hopes the negotiations will result in a competent ruling structure consisting of professionals, regardless of their ethnic affiliation. Once a deal is reached on how many ministerial positions VLEN will get, the coalition will inform the public.

Regarding the stand presented by the leader of DUI, Ali Ahmeti, stand that there is a secret deal between parties that may impact interethnic relations, Kasami said it was very dangerous.

“That’s a very serious, dangerous statement. Ahmeti is known to give such statements at certain moments. It now turns out that in the past, too, more specifically in 2008, it was agreed between Ali Ahmeti and [DPA leader] Menduh Thaci, who are together today, for there to be fratricide,” he stated.

Regarding the allegations and complaints filed to relevant intuitions by a Tetovo resident that the Municipality of Tetovo illegally granted the state-owned football stadium to the Tetovo Transport PE for permanent use, Kasami, in the capacity of Tetovo Mayor, said he would consult the Government about whether a special procedure was required for the reconstruction of the facility, which is already underway.