DUI leader Ali Ahmeti said in an interview for TV Klan that DUI’s list of nominees for ministers in the new government will not undergo any changes. Previously, Alsat TV reported that DUI is to nominate Artan Grubi instead of Bujar Osmani as Foreign Affairs Minister due to disagreements within DUI about the new ministers. “The intra-party debates over the nominations for ministers are part of the democratic processes within the party. The team of professionals nominated to take over the official positions of the state enjoy full support from all party members,” Ahmeti said. DUI nominate in the new government Bujar Osmani as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Artan Grubi as Deputy PM for Political System, Fatmir Besimi as Finance Minister, Jeton Shaqiri as Minister of Information Society and Administration, Kreshnik Bekteshi as Economy Minister and Naser Nuredini as Environment Minister.