The Judicial Council will not release in the coming days the report resulting from the insight into the work on the Target-Fortress, Vault, Transporter, and Alpha cases, as President Vesna Dameva announced. According to Kanal 5 TV information, part of the members of the Council’s three-member group haven’t been to work for several days because they have been using days off. To complete the report, the Council explains for the TV station, additional evidence, too, needs to be secured from the Court of Appeals. Most likely, the report would be completed after the holidays. The three members are supposed to present the document at the session of the Council. They were checking whether there were process reaches in the cases and whether judges would make decisions even though they were not allowed to because of retirement. Regarding the Thaler 2 case, that is, the first-instance verdict for confiscation of VMRO-DPMNE’s seat, made in June, it has been submitted to the party.