The leader of VMRO-DPMNE Hristijan Mickovski suggested in an interview for Sitel TV possible alterations to the laws concerning the Public Prosecution. “The Basic Public Prosecutor (PPO) should take over the cases of the Special Public Prosecution (SPO) for which a bill of indictment was filed before 30 June 2017, instead of the same to be taken over by the new reforms SPO as a department of PPO. Katica Janeva already resigned as head of SPO, but there is still chance for her to be employed in the reformed SPO department. We also believe there can be a more qualified person for the position of Head of the new SPO, for example the former President of the Criminal Court Vladimir Pancevski. The judge already has enough experience in the field of processing cases of organised crime, so we think he is the right person for that position,” Mickoski said.