PM not Giving up on Idea to Disband Two Councils in Judiciary

On Wednesday, PM Hristijan Mickoski said he was not giving up on the idea for disbanding the Judicial Council as a reform and disbanding the Council of Public Prosecutors. “I am waiting for proposals. I am desperately begging for proposals in order for citizens’ confidence in the judiciary not to be at a level of 2%, in order for criminals not to be honest citizens, in order for honest citizens not to be criminals,” he stated.

According to the PM, the people are fed up with feeling like second-class citizens in their own country because several criminals think they are above the law. “That is enabled to them by these institutions because they are there thanks to those several political and real criminals,” the PM stressed. The PM added that he’d been elected by citizens and had the duty to submit what he’d offered as a solution. “I am ready to talk to everybody who has some idea,” he again noted.