Despite the latest developments in relation to MP Trajko Veljanoski, SDSM and DUI are not giving up on the idea for a joint candidate. “What was happening this weekend are weaknesses in the functioning that the ruling coalition will overcome,” PM and SDSM leader Zoran Zaev said on Monday. DUI, too, claims that there are no problems with the coalition. The same day, VMRO-DPMNE’s presidential candidate, Gordana SIljanovska Davkova said in an interview with the TV show Truth Only that citizens should vote because her victory in the presidential elections would represent delegitimisation of the current government, which would consequently lead to early parliamentary elections. In the meantime, Bozidar Nocev, an architect, Toni Petrovski, one of the founders of the Intelligence Agency, and Petar Pop Trajkov, a poet, have applied within the frameworks of SDSM’s competition for a presidential candidate. Ex-ambassador Gjorgi Filipov’s application is already known.