The PM Zoran Zaev said on Saturday during the cleaning action of the state administration that SDSM is to conduct internal consultations about their response to DUI’s actions, after they filed 5,000 amendments to the Draft-changes of the Electoral Code of Macedonia. The Draft-changes predict redefinition of the electoral model and transforming the 6 electoral units into a single one. “We shall conduct analyses and calculate our further steps. We shall discuss these matters with our partners, because we believe this move of theirs is rather illogical. We have presented our arguments, because we believe the voice of the smaller political parties needs to be heard too, and that the modes with single electoral unit is the perfect solution for their proper representation. Democracy is based on respect of majority, and based on this we present our arguments,” Zaev said. The Deputy PM for European Affairs and DUI member Bujar Osmani on the other hand, believes that with the single electoral unit model not DUI, but the Albanians in general will suffer losses of seats in the Parliament. “It is true that, according to the analyses, DUI will get two more seats in the parliament, but the total number of seats taken by Albanian parties will be reduced by at least 8. We have nothing in particular against SDSM, but we must not allow the number of Albanian MPs in the Parliament to decrease,” Osmani said.