If VMRO-DPMNE wins the PM post in early elections that would be held thanks to ex-SDSM leader Zoran Zaev’s wing, Zaev himself plans as the next President. This is claimed by the Plusinfo portal, citing partisan sources within both SDSM and the ethnic Albanian ruling bloc. It’s about a series of texts, according to which Zaev, through internal turmoil within SDSM over the past period against his successor, Dimitar Kovacevski, has been trying to reach ruling MPs that would vote in favour of dissolution of Parliament. Allegedly, he already has support from seven parliamentarians. With that, he hopes that he would secure for SDSM a new ruling term together with VMRO-DPMNE, but without Ali Ahmeti’s DUI. After that, Zaev sees himself as Stevo Pendarovski’s successor, Plusinfo claims. The plan was allegedly presented also at a meeting of the party on 21 December, in a close circle, by Zaev personally, supported by ex-Health Minister Venko Filipce. However, Zaev didn’t get major support. On the other hand, Plusinfo adds that a so-called clean-up of the pro-Zaev or pro-Kovacevski internal currents would take place after the holidays. SDSM hasn’t answered Sitel TV’s questions about the alleged developments. Mickoski denied on Friday that he had had some contacts with Zaev.