The PM Zoran Zaev said during his visit of the factory “Makkart” in Veles that there is possibility for having an early parliamentary election in October 2020. “At the moment we are going through a very important period when our country is being integrated in NATO and is about to start membership talks with the EU, which is why we believe that a snap election is not necessary till these processes are completed,” Zaev said. Answering journalists’ questions, Zaev also referred the recent publication of an unofficial draft-version of the conclusion of the Venice Commission in relation to the Law on Languages and commented on DUI MP Artan Grubi’s statement that this law is the price of peace in Macedonia. “You know, we politicians sometimes tend to talk non-sense and silly things. The language and its usage are a human right and a tool so that we can understand each other,” Zaev said. Grubi reacted to this statement. “I think the statement of the PM refers to him and to him only, since we often witness situations in which Zaev apologises after stating something in public. Still, I think that should be a characteristic for the PM,” Grubi said.